One thing about the learning the SDK is it does some things for you, which in this example makes it a bit harder. For example you would think we could call GetContactFromUri(cellphone) and get the URI of the users cellphone, say tel:17015554444, and call or transfer to it, like any phone number your Lync client doesn't know about right? Well since Lync can pull AD info if that cellphone number is tied to a user, it will actually return the SIP uri and the call won't go to the cellphone, but the Lync client instead. So how do we overcome this and transfer to the mobile? Don't sweat it, it's a simple 3 step process and I will go through each step below.
1. Get the Contact
Let's get a contact object first by doing a search
Conversation c; //the conversation to transfer
Contact num = LyncClient.ContactManager.GetContactByUri(string search);
public static void BlindTransferCallCell(Conversation c, Contact num, TransferOptions topt)
if (c.Modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo].CanInvoke(ModalityAction.ConsultAndTransfer))
2. Browse the Contact's endpoints
List<string> _context = new List<string>();
Object[] asyncState = { ModalityState.Transferring, _context, c.Modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo] };
ContactEndpoint ce = null;
foreach (ContactEndpoint cone in (List<object>)num.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.ContactEndpoints))
if (cone.Type == ContactEndpointType.MobilePhone)
ce = cone;
3. Transfer the call to the mobile endpoint
c.Modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo].BeginTransfer(ce, topt, myar =>
Object[] _asyncState = (Object[])myar.AsyncState;
ModalityState ms = (ModalityState)_asyncState[0];
IList<string> _contextProperties = (List<string>)_asyncState[1];
c.Modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo].EndTransfer(out ms, out _contextProperties, myar);
catch (ArgumentException)
Console.WriteLine("Entered Uri is not valid " + num.Uri);
catch (ItemNotFoundException)
Console.WriteLine("Entered Uri could not be resolved to a Contact " + num.Uri);
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace trace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(ex, true);
string er;
er = "BlindTransferCallCell: Error Trapped in " + Dlib.ProgramSource + ".\r\n";
er = er + trace.GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name + "\r\n" + ex.Message.ToString();
er = er + "Line: " + trace.GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber();
er = er + "Column: " + trace.GetFrame(0).GetFileColumnNumber();
}, asyncState);
The takeaway here is when we are tying to transfer a call to a specific contact's number, not the sip uri, we need to transfer to the ContactEndpoint object instead of the Contact.
Thanks for tuning in and I will see you next week.
Doug Routledge, C# Lync, Skype for Business, SQL, Exchange, UC Developer BridgeOC
Twitter - @droutledge @ndbridge
This is great, is there a powershell equivialnt?
ReplyDeleteive gotten as far as making a call I need to transfer the call
This is great, is there a powershell equivialnt?
ReplyDeleteive gotten as far as making a call I need to transfer the call
I personally have not used it with powershell, but it is possible. Check out this blog post